Logo Design
BrewTopia Logo Design
We are in the middle of our usual crazy spring rush. It happens every year and seems to lasts longer and longer every year.
The phone interrupts my train of thought continually. In the day to day routine of runningKeene Signworx, logo design work comes around from time to time. I usually enjoy this type of work and have done hundreds of logos through the years but it takes mental focus and sometimes thats hard to find in the middle of the spring rush.
Recently I was asked to develop a logo and store front signage for a new craft beer store that is opening in downtown Keene. Being an old homebrewer and a former micro brewery owner I am quite familiar with beer art. I was asked to use a barrel and that was all. My first couple of attempts were tossed out as sub standard but a few days later I sat down with and idea and it worked itself out nicely. Below is the logo for Brewtopia which will be opening at the corner of Washington and Vernon Street in Keene. Kinda makes you thirsty...
Next week I will post the finished storefront.